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Learning PInyin

Noddy   September 2nd, 2010 6:47a.m.

Does anyone know if there's an option where you can get shown the character and you have to enter in the tone as well as the word. Also, is there an option where you can enter in the meaning? Thanks

nick   September 2nd, 2010 8:19a.m.

Turn on reading practice from your practice settings to get mode where you type pinyin and tones. And let me know how you like it!

The definition prompts are flashcard-style instead of typing. I was originally planning to implement some typing practice for those with fuzzy matching of words in the definition, but then I decided it probably wouldn't work 100% and that it would be slower than I had considered, since not everyone types as fast as I do. So I doubt I will do that. But I find that saying aloud the definition right before you click to show it is just as good for making sure I actively recall.

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