I've sweat a lot of blood for it so I wanted to share this custom list, hehe.
The text is an excerpt from 文化苦旅 by 餘秋雨. I kinda like it because 餘秋雨 is a contemporary writer, and 文化苦旅 is a reflection of his travels in China. He mixes his insights with historical references which I find interesting but also makes for a challenging read.
I've tried to put it all the words I didn't know, but sometimes, due to the lack of a defintion, some words have been left out. Still, I think the list covers a pretty good amount of vocab.
I recommend this reading to anyone visiting Shanghai. It helps make visiting Shanghai more interesting :p
Here's the list:
I hope you will be able to take advantage of it, and I welcome any feedbacks on the definitions.
Also, the list is split in sections as it is the case in the published book, but those sections are not indicated in the digital version provided.