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Integrated Chinese 1: second edition now available

nick   February 26th, 2010 8:39p.m.

We've had the first edition of Integrated Chinese 1 available way too long. I've just finally uploaded the vocab from the second edition, so if you're using that book, you should switch over:

DojiStar   February 27th, 2010 9:08a.m.

Thanks! Although this deprecates the work I put into the Supplementary vocab list I put up a while ago. Ouch.

DojiStar   February 27th, 2010 1:27p.m.

Also, I believe 一位相声 is not, haha, "a gentleman": 一位先生。 From section "Lesson 9 Measure Words".

For some reason that happened to me, too, when I added that list.

DojiStar   February 27th, 2010 1:31p.m.

And in "Lesson 5 Narrative" it seems to be forced on the traditional version of 才 with 纔.

pts   February 27th, 2010 3:34p.m.

I notice that “Lesson 9 Measure Words” deviates from the Skritter tradition of indicating tone sandhi on 不 and 一. Or, are those 一's should really be pronounced as first tone?

pts   February 28th, 2010 5:21a.m.

Yes, DojiStar is correct in mentioning that 纔 is the traditional version of 才. Further more; even Taiwan and Hong Kong have completely replaced 纔 with 才. I’d say 纔 is now a deprecated character and should not appear in a vocab list for beginners.

Another one is the character 槃 that appears in Lesson 12 Dialogue 1 and again in Lesson 13 Dialogue 1. This character only appears in the word 涅槃. I’d bet that most Chinese are not aware that it can mean “wooden tray” without first consulting a dictionary.

podster   February 28th, 2010 9:08a.m.

has anybody done a list of common words with commonly seen variants? Now that would be useful. In my case I am just working on simplified characters now, so maybe its less of an issue, as I take it that simplified is also standardized.

How about a list of commonly confused characters?

I admire those skritterers that are learning simplified and traditional at the same time. It seems the hardest simplified characters for me are the ones where I learned a traditional form first, and the converse would probably also be true. "Unlearning" always complicates.

jww1066   February 28th, 2010 9:48a.m.

@podster that would be useful. Have you seen anything like that on the Internet?

I am studying both simplified and traditional, and it's not as hard as you might think. There are a number of patterns that you quickly get used to. I feel like knowing both forms of a character makes them both easier to remember. I read that the brain stores memories as connections between various things, and if you have more things to connect together the memories are mutually reinforced.


taylor04   February 28th, 2010 11:47a.m.

Wow, sounds like a comedic dialog master!

pts   February 28th, 2010 12:03p.m.

According to zdic http://www.zdic.net/cd/ci/6/ZdicE5Zdic85Zdic8899867.htm definition 5, 先生 can mean a comedic dialog master.

pts   February 28th, 2010 12:24p.m.

And then somehow the word 先生 was misinterpreted as “gentleman”.

nick   March 1st, 2010 9:52a.m.

Fixed all these mistakes--thanks guys!

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