Here's my next idea: "Skritter contests and tournaments"
A way for users to compete with one another in friendly online timed-contests that test Mandarin character writing and tones.
Here is how it can work(off the top of my head): there can be announcements on the Home page and newsletters of when upcoming Skritter contests/tournaments will be. Users have a window of time (about a 24 hour window of time because of different time zones) to go online to if they want to participate and they go through the list of characters in which they draw and input tones. Accuracy and time of completion of the list will be used to score the users' performance, and the user with the highest score wins. (Optional to the Skritter team: there can be prizes too, such as half-off a month's membership fee, or something else). With or without prizes, I think this can be really cool.
What does everyone think ?