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Characters from previously added words

michau   February 20th, 2011 8:29a.m.


I found out that if I add a multi-character word, and later a single character from this word, Skritter will assume that I already know it. But that's a bad assumption. To take an extreme example, I may know that "Arabic" is 阿拉伯 but it doesn't mean that if I'm asked to write the character for "pull" I will know that I should write 拉. And if I add 拉 a long time later than 阿拉伯, I won't even get a chance to see a prompt for "pull", because Skritter will assume that I've already written this character enough times.

Is there any solution to this problem?

YouJing   February 20th, 2011 10:03a.m.

Turn on "Add single characters when adding words".

michau   February 20th, 2011 10:47a.m.

But I don't want to study every single character of every word I have on my list - only the characters I actually have on my list. Anyway, this option seems to affect only the words I'm going to add from now on, and I'm concerned about the ones I've already added.

nick   February 20th, 2011 8:29p.m.

Yes, that's a limitation of the system. Do you think it's a critical issue for you? Note that the character definition prompt would still be new when you added 拉 by itself, allowing you to do the reverse association from scratch.

How would you prefer Skritter handle the issue?

michau   February 20th, 2011 11:13p.m.

I'm not yet sure if it's critical, but I started worrying that I may be missing some very popular words.

But anyway, if I add e.g. 服务员 first, and then 服务, the system will not assume that I know the second one just because I know the first. In my opinion it should also work this way for one-character words. If I explicitly add a single character to my vocab list, it means that I want to study it as a separate word.

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