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Hovering over definition shows English definition

InkCube   March 6th, 2011 12:42p.m.

I've recently noticed that hovering with the mouse over the definition field while practising will show the English definition if you're skrittering in a different language.

I really like this feature, props to you guys for implementing it! :)
Often the German definiton is not all to great yet or leaves out aspects of meaning.

It would be really great if you could also implement this feature in the detail pop-ups.

nick   March 6th, 2011 1:00p.m.

Perhaps if there's more interest? It's another set of code to write for a rather undiscoverable feature. We put this tooltip in there to help with editing definitions in other languages, as we're making more of a push to get them cleaned up with the help of users using those languages.

InkCube   March 6th, 2011 2:36p.m.

That's exactly why I like this new feature so much and why I hope it will be included in the pop-ups too.

Most of the time when I'm using a discrepancy between my textbook definition and the one in Skritter is when I input them, so I often change or modify (or add) a German definition right there and having easy access to the English one would make this much more efficient.

Or I notice in class that a word I had already been studying on skritter does not quite mean what I thought it does.
Then I would want to quickly improve the definition in the list instead of waiting until I come across this item while studying the next time and probably forgetting to.

Now having the English skritter definition is not essential for any of this, but it would make it even more user-friendly in my opinion.
Also, it doesn't have to be a mouse-over, any way to check the English definition without having to switch skritter language would be great. Right now the mouse-over on the practice page is the only way to do it, right?

InkCube   March 6th, 2011 2:37p.m.

That's NOTICING a discrepancy, obviously... -.-"

nick   March 10th, 2011 12:56p.m.

I'll get it into the list there. Thanks for the suggestion!

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