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This would be a nice feature .....

Bohan   February 18th, 2011 7:30a.m.

I think it would be awesome if there were a feature that would make a list of all of the characters/words that users get wrong when going through the review queue.

I always plan on manually making a list of the items I miss, but I end up forgetting. Even when I do remember to, it sort of breaks my rhythm.

I realize that missed items will automatically be brought back again, but sometimes it can take a week or two before they actually show up again. The feature I'm proposing would allow users to re-review those missed items in isolation and get a better idea of how much is being missed per study session. I usually forget most of the items I miss unless I write them down as I'm going through the review queue.

James Sharp   February 18th, 2011 9:55a.m.

The software aims for a 95% or 92% success rate, so you should have a few errors. If you had no errors then you would be over-reviewing old characters at the expense of adding new ones.

You may as well just let the ones you make mistakes on reappear -- if you keep getting them wrong they will keep appearing, so you will pick them up eventually.

But it would be nice to know which words / characters have the highest miss rate and which have the lowest, just in case it shows up something interesting.

Bohan   February 18th, 2011 10:14a.m.

We "should have a few errors" ? I don't know if that's something we should be planning on or hoping for.

There is also the 97 percent option on Skritter as well.

I know that if I use Skritter for 200 years, I'll eventually pick everything up, but there isn't that much time. "Eventually" isn't always good enough, hence this idea.

jww1066   February 18th, 2011 10:18a.m.

"but sometimes it can take a week or two before they actually show up again."

Is that true? I get the impression that wrong items come up much earlier than that.


bohan 2   February 18th, 2011 10:41a.m.

@James. One way you can check
is , next time you get something wrong , go to the next item , then go back to the one you missed . Click on the magnifying glass and it will show when the item will be shown next.

It depends on when the previous time you got the item was

nick   February 18th, 2011 6:53p.m.

The maximum interval for a missed item is one week. Most items should be much less than this. It does depend on the previous interval, as well as how good you have proven yourself at remembering items of the same type at similar intervals, and your target retention rate.

Bohan, if you notice yourself getting something wrong a ton, do hit the starred word button, and then later focus on those guys. If you want to get words wrong less often (but do a lot more reviews), then bump your retention rate to 97%. If you just want to know how many you get wrong, look at the retention rates on the progress page.

I've still got it on my list to add a feature or two to let you know which words are sucking up your time and you're missing a lot, suggesting either focusing on them or deleting them. It's not at the top of the list right now, though.

breakphreak   March 2nd, 2011 1:26a.m.

The feature sounds useful. Going through the list _before_ each practice is kinda cheating that would probably increase the retention rate :)

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