A number of people have said that "you really have to grade yourself", and I agree with that. That is, just because Skritter decides that you did or did not get a given character right (or so-so) does not mean you should necessarily accept its judgement if you don't agree.
In deciding how to grade myself, though, I often consult the "you last studied this..." message to determine what the consequences of clicking "so-so" or "got it" will be. As I understand it, "so-so" means that it will be scheduled for the same interval - so if you last studied it two days ago it will be up for review in another two days. And if you click "got it", it will come back after some time longer than that (and I don't know how long that is, but that's another topic). And if you click "forgot", it will come back much sooner.
So, the more I use Skritter, the more I am developing a feel for what I need. I often feel I have the most trouble as a character is moving from a repetition rate of a few days to a week or two. That is, I will start to feel like I've really got it and then it will go away for a week or two and come back and I will draw a complete blank. So, I've started trying to be much more strict in this range in particular and, if I don't feel like I got the character really right, I go with "so-so".
So here is my real question/request: I often get stuck on some character's tone and end up repeating it over and over because... who knows... some mental block. Then all of a sudden, it comes up for review and I have to *both* write it and do the tone and I realize I don't really know how to write it. And the problem is that the "you last reviewed this" info is for the tone, not for writing the character, if you are being asked to review both. I would really like the repeat info for both the tone and the character available so that I can grade them appropriately.
Sorry for the long post to get to a simple question; I'm also curious about whether other people adjust their grading based on the repeat interval; that is, choose your grade not in absolute terms (how well did you do), but also as much or more on when you want it to come back.