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Merit Badges for daily Skrittering?

ulyart   September 5th, 2010 9:16a.m.

Are any of you familiar with 750words.com ?

I've been using this journaling site that gives you pretty badges if you've written three days in a row, five days in a row, ten days, thirty, and so on.

(you can see a partial list of the badges here: http://750words.com/badges )

What seems kind of frivolous at first has turned out to be insanely motivating. I dread missing a day and ruining my multiple-day writing streak. Many users have gone 100 days without missing a single day. Talk about site stickiness!

I think in SRS systems like Skritter (well, actually in most endeavors) it's far better to do a small session daily than a super-long session once in a while.

For me, the most primal behavior Skritter should reinforce in me is the habit of daily use, because as long as I'm spending time with Skritter, I'm learning. All the other statistics (how many words I know, my retainment percentage, how many minutes I've spent this month, how many words left to review, etc) are secondary and improve naturally from daily use of Skritter.

So this is just an idea for the Skritter developers to consider. I'm posting this to see if other Skritter users would also be interested in having such a feature.


Feiyue Kell   September 5th, 2010 9:35a.m.

This sounds pretty cool!

Thomas   September 5th, 2010 11:12a.m.

I like the idea of having badges for things like speed, 'no distractions', and how many reviews you have done in a consecutive week along with the study every-day badges.

Maybe the top few positions could get free memberships while they stay at the top... that would certainly motivate me.

jww1066   September 5th, 2010 11:47a.m.


They've been talking about leaderboards forever. Every once in a while we do a Twitter competition, which I find very motivating.


FatDragon   September 5th, 2010 11:48a.m.

A) I'm into it.

B) I checked out that 750words site, 怎么这么酷! However, I'd advise against signing up half an hour before midnight... :p

jcdoss   September 5th, 2010 9:07p.m.

I don't know about enrolling in a competition since I hate losing, but I wouldn't mind some kind of motivator like the badges that were originally referenced.

sonorier   September 6th, 2010 6:22a.m.

oh yeah, but not only for consecutive days, badges for all sorts of achievements!!!

skritterjohan   September 6th, 2010 2:12p.m.

I like the badges idea.

scott   September 9th, 2010 2:47p.m.

It is an idea we've played around with quite a few times! We'll probably do it eventually; it's low priority though. If we do it, I imagine it will happen along with the leaderboards.

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