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How can I learn hiragana using Skritter?

lennier61   March 9th, 2010 12:26a.m.

Pls help, I would like to learn hiragana, and practice it, is it possible?

scott   March 9th, 2010 9:13a.m.

Afraid right now you can't. This is something that is asked for frequently, though, so it's on the list of things to do. We won't be able to let you learn hiragana with writing (it's too cursive for our stroke recognition algorithm), but we will be able to set up the flash cards so you can learn them like in reading or definition practice.

digilypse   March 9th, 2010 10:43a.m.

Scott you say too cursive for your stroke recognition algorithm, does that mean allowing/recognizing more cursive forms of writing for Chinese are out of the question? I know something like grass-script/草书 would be entirely impossible but it'd be nice to have more short-hand options, like what exists now for the 口 radical。

雅各   March 9th, 2010 4:41p.m.

How about korean, I know it has the circle, but apart from thatits mostly straight lines and angles

scott   March 9th, 2010 5:48p.m.

I think you'll have to wait until Nick returns to get an answer, digilypse; he wrote the recognition system so he knows best what it can and can't do, and what it would take to make it more flexible.

I don't know much about the Korean writing style, but overall it's not high on our list of things to do. We need to focus on our current offerings, improving them and making them the best we can, so we won't be expanding to other languages for the time being. Sorry!

nick   March 17th, 2010 10:04p.m.

No semi-cursive styles, no. We may later add some more writing shortcuts, but they're not trivial. Which ones would you like to see?

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