Ever wanted to know the difference between a Skritterer and non-Skritterer?
The Skritterer will always use words and characters that the non-Skritterer can't remember.
- After the first few weeks of learning Chinese, Skritterers write 干嘛,non-Skritterers write 干吗.
- At beginner-intermediate level, non-Skritterers write 桔子, Skritterers write 橘子.
- When Skritterers write fables, they are usually about a 龜 and a 麒麟. Non-Skritters write about a 马.
- At advanced level, when Skritterers give names, they usually involve guys like Mr 齧 and Ms 羲. Non-Skritterers still stick to Mr and Ms ... 马.
Skritterers are constantly confronted with the words that are hard to remember, i.e. the ones non-Skritterers will never be able to write.
[While there might be some truth behind it, this is meant more as a joke than a serious scientific observation.]
Addendum: I cheated about 龜, it's a 繁体字, but a very nice one indeed.